Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Steps!!

Wow! I cannot believe that Ethan has finally decided to attempt walking!! He has been crawling, pulling up and a little cruising since six months. He has always been very aggressive to keep moving and advancing so I just thought he would be the same with walking, but nope. He has been climbing on everything and pulling things down. He has been able to do everything just fine without walking so he just decided...why try it. Every time we stand him up he will just sit right back down and crawl. He hasn't been interested and when Ethan isn't interested there is nothing you can do to change his strong little mind!! Well, finally, yesterday Dave had him try to walk to me and he finally took a few steps before collapsing in my arms. Sooooo cute. I think that babies are so adorable to watch when they try to walk! I guess he got a boost of confidence after this. I noticed him letting go several times throughout the day to take a couple of steps before falling. I honestly knew he could do it so I just haven't pushed the issue too much. Everyone says things will change when he walks and so I was fine to wait until he was ready :). He has already been into things so I don't know what else he could do by walking??? Guess I will find out. Thank the Lord for the health of our son to be able to walk. So many things I take for granted. God is so good!! So kind of Him to allow us these precious moments to enjoy with our little "blessings".

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is that...Icecream???!!!

I had just fixed my hubby an icecream cone when...I looked up to see chocolate dribbling from my sons face!!! He is not suppose to have sweets, because I am trying to not have him addicted (as I am :)! We both want to have him healthy (as the Lord allows). As you can see, mommy is the bad guy. Daddy is the fun one who loves to give him treats!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pics

Here is Little Man soaking up attention before the service in his big boy shirt and tie!

Here he is trying to escape the stroller.

He had skipped his nap and so after church he was "all done"!

Lastly, here he is all tuckered out sleeping on the way home! Precious!