Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Buying a house...or NOT???

Dave and I have been in the process of putting an offer on a house. WHOA!! This is the most stressful process I have been through in a very long time (well, since Ethan's birth :)! We have been on a week and a half of roller coaster rides. First, it sounds like we are going to get it. Next, it doesn't. Then, it does. Then they decide to negotiate with us and we get it. Then, after all of that, the bank decides to change a few minor details! Like not paying the entire closing cost which adds almost 2,000 to our original offer (which, by the way, did increase already)! My husband said NO, NO, NO! Final! So, we are waiting yet again to see if the bank will pay all of the closing or not. If they do not, then we will have to say good-bye to this house that I have somehow become attached to. I said I wouldn't, but...I did! I keep quoting that Proverb that says "a hope deferred maketh the heart sick". That is so true. We have intensely prayed and prayed about this house, so we both know if we don't get it then it is what the Lord is doing and we will praise Him. That doesn't mean my emotions will not be down, but that I will continue to praise and wait upon the Lord. It is so hard not to get our hopes up on things of this world! I will see what happens, hopefully sometime today!