Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ok, so, my friend Tascha has tagged me! Hmmm...I am suppose to share seven random facts that aren't common knowledge about myself and I'm just totally a blank about the whole thing. I really am not that interesting at all, so I have asked my husband to help me out. Well...maybe not a good idea. "I don't want them to know all of that, honey". ;0! Nothing, bad, but don't want everyone to know I'm not normal! Ha! Probably too late for that! Anyway, Here is my attempt to "wow" you all with some things about me!

1. Some people ( husband :0) say that I'm incredibly obsessive compulsive. Some examples he, I mean they, give are as follows:
* My baby monitor is a cheap one that has the side dial for the volume and I lay down at night and get up and lay down and get up...continuously adjusting the monitor so that it is at the perfect volume for me to hear every fingernail brush against the blanket. As well as not be so loud that it is fuzzing all night!!
*I must admit that sometimes I go back and fix the diaper after my husband has changed Ethan...Well, it has to be on just a certain way so I feel comfortable, I mean so it doesn't leak!

2. My grandfather made up my first name "Talisha". It was suppose to be for one of his girls, but my grandmother never used it. I was the first grandchild and so my mom gave me the name. Very special! My middle name, however, let's just say my first grade teacher called me by that name one day, and I have never forgiven her! I was constantly called toilet paper. I'll just leave it there!

3. I have always wanted to name my son Josiah. It was one of the first names in the Word that the Lord really encouraged me with. Thus, my son is Ethan Josiah. "Strong and Firm" "God will save".

4. My husband loves to pick his scabs and I CRINGE at the thougth of it! I don't like to mess with anything on my body. Every scab, every bump, every whatever is there for a reason.

Am I finished yet?? Oh wow, three more facts!

5. I love fingernail polish on my toes, but not on my fingernails!

6. When Ethan was born, he made my grandmother a first time great grandmother. He also made my great grandmother a first time great great grandmother!! Oh, and me a first time mommy :)

7. And finally, I like to sleep with my head covered with pillows or blankets. When I was a child I thought that the "people" in my house at night, wouldn't see me and get me if I was all covered up...Thus the habit continues on.

* One more freebie...I went to a christian school in Kindergarten and in my Senior year! Thank the Lord for deliverance from the public school where my life was in shambles. My senior year was when the Lord really worked on my heart to bring me back to Him. Praise the Lord!!

So, hope you were amused somehow! I usually enjoy being much more serious and meaningful, but thought I would have some fun with some of these facts.

Now the rule is that I have to tag seven other people so I tag...
Courtney (unless she is in Labor :)

1 comment:

Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

lol...You're so funny, Talisha! I couldn't remember your middle name until you said toilet paper :) You're the cutest! I enjoyed reading that.